9 Responses to Ask.FM and Cyber Bullying

  1. I agree these sites are dangerous for their lack of accountability and the anonymity of users. I recently wrote about a similar site Qooh.me which really shocked me. Unlike other social networking sites where the appeal is centred around the connection and interaction, I fail to see any positive experience to be gained from these sites. I think many parents would be shocked if they read some of the stuff their kids are being subjected to on these sites…and the very fact that they keep coming back for more. Unfortunately many kids are going to these sites as parents are unaware they exist or they have been banned from other more well known sites or purely because that is what everyone else is doing at the moment. I think as parents we need to talk to our children about the importance of not engaging on sites where users can be anonymous. Great comprehensive post Leonie.

    • Thanks Martine, unfortunately many parents aren’t really looking at what apps their kids are using, its very very hard to keep up, but it’s something that cannot be ignored. Hoping for the best just won’t cut it anymore.

  2. I feel like this site is really wonderful for kids ages like me like 12 years and more.

  3. Bullying is unacceptable. Another place the moderators don’t do jack about it is Us Mobile(A Cell Phone Version of Us Magazine). I told them the names of several people who were cyberbullying others in the comment section. They claimed they saw nothing wrong with one guy’s account who calls himself Mr. Sinister, Patsfan and Patsfan1 and a girl who calls herself AskMeIfICareHowUFeel(if that doesn’t scream asshole cyberbully, I don’t know what does) after supposedly viewing their accounts which had insults posted to others in the open on their comment pages which they hadn’t bothered deleting. Look what they call themselves. Look how it reflects in their online character and treatment of others!

    Yes Us Mobile does have an ‘ignore’ setting BUT, people are getting various accounts and pretending to be more than one person. So why should innocent people who are being attacked by these trolls not be given the option of privacy settings or BETTER ones for that matter?! Where’s the logic behind leaving people open to be attacked? It’s almost like the creators of the site and the moderators WANT to see kids get bullied for their own sick pleasure and entertainment. What a bunch of devil’s advocates!

  4. […]   Askfm- you’d never know your child had an account unless they told you or you searched the history of your computer (hopefully they don’t know how delete history) On this site, anyone can ask your child anything anonymously. Questions like- why don’t you like so and so and why did you say this to someone along with other personal sexual questions or “are you upset you weren’t invited to a party”. The children on askfm are 13 and under- and they shouldn’t be here. I’ve seen my daughter’s friend’s questions on this site and I was shocked. They’ve been on it for over a year and when I brought it up with the parents they had never heard of the site and were convinced their child would never be on it. It’s not easy to find your child on there unless you know their username. Most kids use their instagram name.Even if your child isn’t on Askfm, friends gossip about everyone and love to ask personal questions and secrets about their friends. Since it’s anonymous, anyone can pretend to be whoever. An example of a question I’ve seen on this site is “you are stupid and ugly, why don’t you kill yourself” and maybe add an lol after it. Some will say “why are you so fat and ugly”.  For more information on Askfm: The Cybersafetylady.com Askfm and cyber bullying […]

  5. […]              Askfm-”My child doesn’t have that!” That’s exactly what I thought! You’d never know your child had an account unless they told you or you searched the history of your computer (hopefully they don’t know how delete history). On this site, anyone can ask your child anything anonymously. Questions like- why don’t you like so and so? and why did you say this  to someone along with other personal sexual questions or “are you upset you weren’t invited to a party”. The children on askfm are 13 and under- and they shouldn’t be here. I’ve seen my daughter’s friend’s questions on this site and I was shocked. They’ve been on it for over a year and when I brought it up with the parents they had never heard of the site and were convinced their child would never be on it. It’s not easy to find your child on there unless you know their username. Most kids use their instagram name. Even if your child isn’t on Askfm, friends gossip about everyone and love to ask personal questions and secrets about their friends. Since it’s anonymous, anyone can pretend to be whoever. An example of a question I’ve seen on this site is “you are stupid and ugly, why don’t you kill yourself?” and maybe add an lol after it. Some will ask  “why are you so fat and ugly?”.  For more information on Askfm: The Cybersafetylady.com Askfm and cyber bullying […]

  6. […] ask.fm – This is the one I dislike the most. This is the perfect platform for bullies and pedophiles. First of all, a lot of parents do not know their child is even using this because you have to know their specific username. The claim to fame is that the app is anonymous, and kids can post what they want without others knowing that it’s them. Kids and strangers are asking questions that should not be asked. Example: Why are you ugly? You should kill yourself. That is so detrimental to tweens and teens. Even adults. To read more about ask.fm click here. […]

  7. I can definitely relate about some of the online magazine sites. Thankfully a friend of mine stopped using Us Mobile cause it’s a gossip site. Really can’t expect those sites to attract anything but cyber bullies. There are some nice people among them but I just stay away from all that trash!!! All those sites and magazines do is trash celebrities anyway. The creators are bullies in their own rite so it’s no shocker that their audience is largely composed of bullies and shit stirrers. They’ll reap what they sow in one way or another.

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