Latest Advanced Facebook Privacy Settings!

Advanced Facebook Privacy Settings Video
Advanced Facebook Privacy Settings Video

Here is the latest “Advanced Facebook Privacy Settings” 2015. Step By Step Video. If you want to protect your privacy from non-friends which might include scammers, acquaintances, work mates or snoopers! This is the easy way for you to set up all those complicated settings. I also explain how to set some other settings which could potentially share your Facebook data in the future, and how to disable Facebooks Facial Recognition tool. Want to deactivate or delete your Facebook Account? Thats also included.

If you used my last “Advanced Facebook Privacy Settings” video to set up your account, it might be worth double checking your settings with this new video to ensure you have all the latest settings, as there are a few new options.

If you are using the new Facebook Messenger app on your mobile device it is now essential that you have all the most secure settings enabled to prevent random voice calls and messages from contacting you on your phone. Facebook messenger has no privacy settings as such, it is based on however you have set up your Facebook profile privacy settings. See more about Facebook Messenger Here:

Be sure your Facebook profile is set up to be as secure as possible to guard against hacking and identity theft. If you have any questions about the video and the settings please let me know in the comments below.

Share this post with your family and friends and anyone else you want to protect online.

There are captions available for those not used to the Aussie accent!


Leonie Presents Cyber Safety Talks for schools, business, and community groups.

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